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Shutter Speed

What is Shutter Speed? Shutter speed is how fast the shutter opens and closes. The longer the shutter is open the more light that can get in but the more blurry it can be if an object or you are moving. The faster a shutter speed is the quicker the shutter shuts which can make the photo come out really clear if the object is moving but at the cost of light.

In the first slideshow I had to

take photos of Erick moving his arms in a circular motion that a referee would do if there was traveling. I would make the shutter speed faster which would make the photo come more to a stand still and make the photo clear. I did this for the other two galleries as you can see the shutter speed was set at a slower speed and would then be getting faster and faster making the photo more clear but at the cost of light.

Zoom Blur

The zoom blur is when you take a photo you change the zoom.

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