Josh Epperson Photography 2014

Depth of Field
Depth if field is how blurry the background will be. The reason we use depth of field is for photos of people or an object when you want the main focus. You can change the amount of blurryness when you change the aperature of the camera, so basically the aperature controls how blurry the background will be.
For this gallery all i did was just zoom into an object without moving the can of spam. The rerason I did this was to show how and object and the background can look different when all you're doing is changing the field of view. I learned that when I zoomed in more onto the object my eyes would stay there rather than wantin to move around and look at something else.
Moving the Camera
For these series of photos all I did was move the camera forward to the object while I had the camera zoomed in all the way. When I moved the camera forward the ball began to take up more and more of the space in the photo which causes your eyes not to wander, but, instead focus on the ball and actually be able to see the texture of the ball when it was as close as could be.